International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
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What are the benefits of joining IASIOS?
What are the benefits of joining IASIOS?
What are the benefits of joining IASIOS?
What are the benefits of joining IASIOS?
How do I get accredited?
How do I get accredited?
How do I get accredited?
How do I get accredited?
How do I get accredited?
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Introduction to IASIOS

What is the International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services (IASIOS)? In this video, Prof. Andy Adam and Prof. Liz Kenny from the IASIOS Steering Board and Prof. Laura Crocetti and Dr. Miltiadis Krokidis from the IASIOS Committee answer some of your most common questions.


“What pride and what a demanding, but above all enriching, adventure to become the first IASIOS Centre of Excellence! Our goal was, above all, to guarantee the highest quality of oncology care for our patients through compliance with rigorous standards. This journey has allowed us to surpass ourselves by constantly questioning our practices in a quest for excellence that inspires respect and trust. The process has allowed us to thoroughly and completely audit our practices to improve them. Much more than an accreditation process, IASIOS represents an affirmation of our unwavering commitment to excellence, a promise to our patients and the desire to remain at the forefront of oncology treatments!

Prof. Afshin Gangi and Team

University Hospital

Strasbourg, France

“We are delighted to be among the first IO facilities to apply for this important and worthwhile accreditation! Ultimately, applying for IASIOS has led to the advancement of our IO facility by helping us analyse our service line and determine how to improve our delivery of high-quality IO care in accordance with the CIRSE Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology document.”

Dr. Shahzad Ilyas, Nicole Silva & Alison Pollard

Guy’s and St.Thomas’
NHS Foundation Trust

London, United Kingdom

The application has allowed us to improve the quality of our daily care and we are very enthusiastic to prepare for the second step with the hope to become an IASIOS Centre of Excellence within the next years. Thank you to IASIOS for promoting IO through the standardization of our practice.

Sylvia Enfedaque, Dr. Frédérique Boyer, Fabienne Gouze, Florence Lagurgue, Dr. Xavier Buy, Dr. Vittorio Catena, Prof. Jean Palussière

Institute Bergonié

London, United Kingdom

The process has improved our services in IO and has led us to build a sustainable best-medicine practice in this field with the great help of IASIOS office. Thanks to IASIOS, we could move one step further while aiming for higher standards. Now, we all feel motivated to improve quality and safety standards in interventional oncology at Anadolu Medical Center, as one of the first accredited facilities in the world.”

Dr. Ozgur Celik, Dr. Murat Dokdok, Dr. Oktay Karadeniz & Team

Anadolu Medical

Kocaeli, Turkey

“We are proud to be the first center in Germany to be certified by IASIOS. During the certification process we were able to further improve our already well-established IO workflows and make sure they are in line with the most recent national and international standards. With the help of IASIOS we are now able to coordinate and monitor our IO services even better to make sure every patient receives the best possible treatment and reaches the best individual clinical outcome.

Dr. Gregor Gelbricht, Lisa Reese, Dr. Christian Mayer, Dr. Ernst Hohenstein, Dr. Sina Speck, Tomislav Stavrovski, Gabriele Löchner, Dr. Gunther Lemm, Prof. Philippe Pereira


Heilbronn, Germany

“We are deeply honoured to receive IASIOS accreditation, which distinguishes our Interventional Oncology (IO) Services to be among the best in the world. This is a significant milestone for SGH and has further enhanced SGH’s strong reputation of providing high-quality clinical care. IASIOS accreditation is a strong endorsement and recognition that our IO services is of high quality and meet rigorous international standards. This will be very reassuring to both our patients and referring clinicians.”

Prof. Kiang Hiong Ta, Prof. Bien-Soo Tan, Prof. Chow Wei Too, Dr. Sum Leong, Dr. Kristen Lee, Dr. Zehao Tan, Dr. Sonam Taschi, Dr. Sivanathan Chandramohan

Singapore General


“We are extremely honoured and proud to be the first centre in Italy accredited for the Interventional Oncology service. We strongly believe in quality in patient care, and pursuing the accreditation was of help in identifying where we had to improve and what we had already succeeded in. We are now aware our IO service is of high quality and meets rigorous international standards, and we are trying to understand where and how we can further improve. Quality for patient care is never enough.

Prof. Roberto Cioni, Prof. Federica Del Clima, Prof. Laura Crocetti and Team

University Hospital

Pisa, Italy

“It is with great honour that we have received the IASIOS accreditation. The IASIOS team has been tremendously helpful in guiding us through the process. It has been a great learning process as the accreditation process gave us insight in those things that are well organized in our centre as well as the areas that need improvement. The IASIOS helps centres to go from good to excellent!

Dr. Mark Burgmans, Dr. Arian Van Erkel, Dr. Carla Van Rijswijk and Team

Leiden University Medical Centre

Leiden, The Netherlands

IASIOS has assisted our facility in adhering to the golden standards of patient care and provision. As the first internationally accredited IO facility in Switzerland, Kantonsspital Winterthur is at the forefront this evolving discipline.”

Dr. Arash Najafi, and Team


Winterthur, Switzerland

““The IO group at University Hospital Southampton is delighted to have been awarded IASIOS accreditation. The IASIOS process has proved invaluable in giving us further cross-sectional review and insight into our increasingly complex IO patient pathways and service provision. This valuable quality assurance tool has allowed us to ensure that we are continuing to deliver the best oncological patient care. Our team looks forward to joining with other international IASIOS-accredited IO teams."

Dr. David Breen, Dr. Brian Stedman, Dr. Sachin Modi, Dr. Tim Bryant, Dr. Ben Maher and Team.

University Hospital

Southampton, United Kingdom

“The Interventional Radiology group at Marburg University Hospital is proud to have been awarded the IASIOS accreditation. The process of certification has given us invaluable insights into our increasingly complex processes. For us, IASIOS is a valuable quality assurance tool, helping us to deliver the best interventional radiology patient care by meeting the highest quality standards for every patient. IASIOS is one building block in our efforts to further improve and expand this often underrecognized discipline at Marburg University Hospital. “

Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Mahnken and Team

UKGM – Universitäts-
klinikum Marburg

Marburg, Germany

“The Wesley Hospital is proud to have been the first centre in the Southern Hemisphere to achieve IASIOS accreditation. Thousands of interventional oncology procedures, both minor and major, are performed by the team at The Wesley Hospital each year. The IASIOS brand affirms the high-quality service that the team provide to both patients and referrers, and we look forward to continuing to find new ways to promote the highest standards of patient care.”

Prof. Nicholas Brown and Team

I-Med, the Wesley

Queensland, Australia

“We, at the AziendaOspedaliera Universitaria Città della Salute di Torino - University of Torino, are very happy and proud to have been accredited by IASIOS. This certification represents the acknowledgement of the constant work and effort of our facility and affirms the high-quality service to both patients and referrers. We look forward to continuing to find new ways to promote the highest standards of patient care, being at the forefront of our evolving and thrilling discipline.”

Prof. Paolo Fonio, Dr. Marco Calandri, Dr. Marco Fronda, Dr. Carlo Gazzera, Dr. Andrea Doriguzzi Breatta & Team

University of Turin

Turin, Italy

“We at Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS – Catholic University are very proud and honoured to receive the IASIOS accreditation for our Interventional Oncology Service. The IASIOS accreditation process helped us improve and better standardize our practice, and provide high standards of quality in routine Interventional Oncology treatments. This accreditation confirms & upholds the pivotal role of IO in patient management and our continuous effort to deliver precise medical care using a multidisciplinary approach to every patient.

Prof. Roberto Iezzi, Dr Alessandro Posa, and the Multidisciplinary Team

Fondazione Policlino
Universitario A. Gemelli

Rome, Italy

“We are delighted to be the first Greek centre awarded this internationally renowned IASIOS accreditation. This is a significant achievement for both the Hospital and the IR Department, with all the performed changes resulting in a quality increase regarding the provision of services to patients. Most importantly these changes positively affected the whole Interventional Radiology Department improving the quality in all aspects of IR service. Excellence is not a competition; it is a daily quest!”

N. Kelekis, E. Brountzos, A. Kelekis, D. Filippiadis, S. Spiliopoulos, K. Palialexis, S. Grigoriadis

University General
Hospital Attikon

Chaidari, Greece

“The Division of Interventional Radiology at IEO is truly honoured and immensely proud to have achieved the prestigious IASIOS accreditation. This recognition highlights our unwavering commitment to excellence in patient care, safety, and the highest standards of quality in the field of interventional radiology. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team, and we are deeply committed to maintaining and exceeding these standards as we continue to provide the best possible care to our patients.”

Dr. Franco Orsi and Team

European Institute
of Oncology

Milan, Italy

“The Interventional Radiology Unit at “F. Miulli” Hospital is happy and proud to announce to be the first IASIOS accredited centre in southern Italy. This is an important milestone both for the IR Team and the multidisciplinary oncology tumour board. We look forward to being a Centre of Excellence, keeping the highest standards of quality, for patient care!”

Dr. Inchingolo and Team

Regional General
Hospital F. Miulli.

Bari, Italy

“We are honoured to have achieved the IASIOS accreditation. It has certified our daily practice in IO and proven our work to be in accordance with international standards. Now, one of our aims is to spread more and more of our discipline within other specialties in order to affirm our role in the cancer patient care process. Last but not least, our efforts will be addressed towards making IO known among patients.”

Prof. Gianpaolo Carrafiello, Dr. Anna Maria Ierardi, Dr. Pierpaolo Biondetti and Team

Ospedale Maggiore
Policlinico di Milano

Milan, Italy

“We are very proud to be part of the group of IASIOS-accredited centres. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to providing the best treatments in the field of Interventional Oncology that meets high quality standards for every patient. This keeps us at the forefront of this rapidly growing but often underrecognized discipline. With the support of IASIOS, we aim to continue to improve, expand and become an essential partner in modern multidisciplinary cancer treatment.”

Dr. Laurens Hermie and Team

Ghent University


“IASIOS certification has enabled us to challenge ourselves and work with all those involved in running an interventional radiology department. Thanks to its rigorous standards and safety-focused approach, it has redistributed roles by placing the patient at the centre of his or her care, and put the interventional radiologist as a major player in the fight against cancer. This international recognition reinforces our position leaders in Interventional Oncology, and guarantees our patients optimum care.

Dr. Gilles Piana and Team



“Receiving this internationally renowned quality assurance seal in interventional oncology is an honor. More importantly, it signifies peer recognition of the significant impact and quality of patient management we've maintained for years at Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou. This accreditation reinforces our position as international leaders in Interventional Oncology and motivates us to continue our commitment to innovation and patient-centred care.

Prof. Olivier Pellerin and Team

Hôpital Européen
Georges Pompidou

Paris, France

“The IASIOS accreditation symbolizes our ongoing commitment to delivering the highest standards of care, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible outcomes in a safe and supportive environment. This prestigious certification marks a significant milestone in our journey to elevate the standards of patient care, process quality and teamwork within our department. Achieving accreditation was not just about meeting international standards but embracing a culture of continuous improvement, where patient safety is at the core of everything we do.

Dr. Rodrigo Gobbo and Team

Hospital Israelita
Albert Einstein

São Paulo, Brazil

“We are extremely proud to have received the IASIOS accreditation. Joining IASIOS helped us enhance our interventional oncology services and ensure the highest standards of patient care. The accreditation process was thorough and collaborative, providing us with valuable insights and opportunities for improvement. Since obtaining the accreditation, we’ve seen increased trust from patients and recognition within the medical community. We expect continued benefits in providing state of the art therapies and fostering innovation in our practices.”

Dr. Sanne de Boer, Dr. Christiaan van der Leij and Team

Maastricht UMC+

Maastricht, The Netherlands

“The IASIOS Accreditation has confirmed that our Interventional Radiology team are providing state of the art patient care in Interventional Oncology (IO). It has provided a foundation upon which we can further build our services, and expand our clinical practice, particularly the development of a robust pre-procedural assessment clinic. Through the IASIOS, we have been able to refine our Quality Assurance processes and it has provided a template for justifying and progressing resourcing for our IO service. This international recognition for IO at SVHG has already raised awareness of our capabilities and standards throughout our regional hospital network and we are delighted to be part of IASIOS. ”

Prof. David Brophy, Dr. Colin O’Rourke and Team

St. Vincent’s
University Hospital

Dublin, Ireland

“The Interventional Radiology Department of San Raffaele Hospital is proud to be recognized as an IASIOS accredited center. Quality healthcare in Interventional Oncology is of paramount importance to our patients and the quest to achieve, maintain and improve our standards of care is our driving force. The accreditation process brought a critical analysis of our current procedures and reaffirmed our synergies and team spirit. This is our first step in confirming our current standards and our will to pursue gold standard treatments in a rapidly changing environment such as IO. Next step - Centre of Excellence! ”

Prof. Francesco De Cobelli and Team

IRCCS Ospedale
San Raffaele

Milan, Italy

IASIOS has been essential in providing guidelines that ensure optimal care and treatment for oncological patients within our interventional radiology department. Through these guidelines, we have enhanced our pre- and post-procedural care and thoroughly reviewed existing patient safety protocols. This meticulous approach has allowed us to optimize our practices where necessary, reinforcing our commitment to delivering consistent, high-quality care. As a result, we have built greater trust and confidence among our patients and colleagues, ensuring superior outcomes now and in the future.

Dr. Lucas Smagge, Dr. Behnam Mohseny and Team.

Erasmus MC

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

“Joining IASIOS was a strategic move to elevate our interventional oncology services to international standards. This experience has significantly enhanced our quality of care, boosted patient confidence, and improved clinical outcomes. We’ve also seen our staff grow professionally and our operations become more efficient. Overall, the IASIOS accreditation has positioned us as a leader in the field in Saudi Arabia, and opened new opportunities for growth
and collaboration.”

Dr. Alshaikh, Dr. Bauones, Dr. Garad, Ms. Alfaraj, Mr. Idrees, and Team

King Fahad
Medical City

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

“Our small but dedicated Interventional Radiology team is profoundly honored to be part of the IASIOS community. Being awarded “IASIOS Accredited Centre” has been the result of a year-long continuous strive for improvement. It motivates us to pursue in providing best service quality in patient care, safety and procedural techniques. The IASIOS accreditation helped us raise awareness of our valuable but often underrated service across other departments at our hospital.

Dr. Patrick Knüsel, and Team.


Chur, Switzerland

“We are very proud to become the third IASIOS Accredited Centre in Germany. This accreditation has enhanced our minimally invasive oncological therapy procedures, leading to improved patient care and safety protocols. Standardizing the procedures through IASIOS has optimized therapy for oncological patients and enhanced the efficiency of pre- and post-interventional processes. Our institute now operates with greater confidence and focus, ensuring optimal results.

Prof. Patrick Haage, Dr. Saygin Tuna and Team.

Helios Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal

Chur, Switzerland

“We were aware of the more than 30 institutions in Europe who are accredited and the added quality and safety value they have already received. Likewise, with the large amount of interventional oncology (IO) that is being done at WashU we felt our quality and safety program would greatly benefit. I knew other members of this distinguished accreditation and wanted to belong. The IASIOS Accreditation raises the bar for our institution to bring the most up to date IO practices to our patients for the best outcomes. It allows us to be on the similar level to other institutions who perform IO procedures. IO is a growing field and now we can collaborate and share ideas with other institutions doing the same work. ”

Dr. Jack Jennings, Ms. Bekah Phelan and Team.

Mallinckrodt Institute
of Radiology

St. Louis, Missouri / USA
