International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services


IASIOS, offers three distinct seals to recognize and distinguish facilities based on their commitment to providing high-quality IO care and their stages of accreditation and compliance with theĀ  Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology.

IASIOS Enrolled Centre

The Enrolled Centre seal represents facilities dedicated to providing high-quality IO care and actively engaged in seeking accreditation.


Registered facility and paid all applicable fees

Improving processes to meet IASIOS criteria

Working on your IASIOS application


There is no time limit to submit an application, a facility may remain an enrolled centre for as long as required.

IASIOS Accredited Centre

The Accredited Centre seal is a recognition of adherence to the CIRSE Standards of QA in IO, and represents a high standard of IO care provided by a facility.


Meet all core criteria in the Standards of QA

Perform a minimum of 150 therapeutic IO procedures per year


4 years from the moment the facility receives the certificate of accreditation.

IASIOS Centre of Excellence

The Centre of Excellence seal is the highest recognition offered by IASIOS to facilities that uphold the golden standard of IO patient care.


Be an IASIOS Accredited Centre for 4 years

Meet all core and extended criteria in the Standards of QA


4 years from the moment the facility receives its re-certification.


Explore all the possible ways you can use your IASIOS seals for promotion.

Learn more about the accreditation pathway, and how to achieve each seal.

Get to know our current IASIOS enrolled and accredited centres.