International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
Articles and Interviews

Kantonsspital Winterthur receives IASIOS Accreditation

In a statement on their website, Kantonsspital Winterthur highlights the achievement of receiving the IASIOS accredited centre seal. The article describes interventional oncology as a new form of therapy for cancer treatment, which is becoming the “fourth pillar of cancer care”

The facility details the improvements made to their clinical pathway during the application process to meet quality assurance standards.

A local newspaper also celebrates the accomplishments of KSW and the efforts of the team led by Prof. Christoph Binkert.

Articles and Interviews

World’s first accreditation programme for Interventional Oncology (IASIOS) opened for public enrolment

The International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services (IASIOS) has concluded its pilot phase with flying colours and has launched publicly. Twelve pioneering hospitals from nine countries successfully participated in the IASIOS pilot phase. A robust system tested and optimised over the past two years stands ready for all facilities worldwide that offer IO services, regardless of size or location.

IASIOS is the world’s only accreditation scheme focussed exclusively on minimally invasive treatments for cancer. The main goal of IASIOS is to establish the highest quality standards in interventional oncology (IO) throughout the entire service line and patient pathway. Patients can benefit greatly from IO treatments, as their minimally invasive nature means that they are associated with less pain, fewer complications and shorter recovery times than conventional surgery. Furthermore, many IO procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis thus increasing efficiency, reducing costs and waiting times, and allowing earlier resumption of normal life. This is especially important in this challenging period when IO could help to reduce substantial backlogs in cancer care.

With the continued growth and recognition of IO as an independent clinical discipline and the fourth pillar of cancer care, facilities providing IO therapies must follow appropriate guidelines if the relevant treatments are to be used safely and appropriately. It is likewise essential for patient safety and satisfaction that IOs have the ability and means to officially prove their value and expertise, not as technicians, but rather as primary clinical providers to patients and hospital administrators. In order to achieve exactly that, the Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology, published by the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe, were used as a blueprint and set the foundation for developing an accreditation system that can be used to standardise the level of care for IO services on a global scale.

Looking forward to the global launch of IASIOS, Professor Andreas Adam, Chairman of the IASIOS Supervisory Board, said: “IASIOS is the culmination of years of dedicated work by CIRSE. It is exciting to reach this stage, as this pioneering accreditation scheme will help improve cancer care around the world.’

Centres that enroll in the IASIOS system become part of a larger worldwide community of top IO centres working together to further develop and promote the practice of IO and raise awareness of its benefits among patients and medical providers.

Articles and Interviews

IASIOS Public Launch Well Received!

Interventional News, Issue 82

The IASIOS team is beyond thrilled with the positive media coverage received during our official public launch of the programme. The support and encouragement for interventional oncology as a discipline will accelerate its development and adoption, making minimally invasive treatments for cancer safer, more efficient, and more widely accessible to patients worldwide.

Twelve pioneering hospitals from nine countries successfully participated in the IASIOS pilot phase.

Articles and Interviews

First IASIOS accredited centre in Turkey

Anadolu Medical Centre

This post on the facilities website celebrates their achievement in becoming the first centre in Turkey and third worldwide awarded the IASIOS accredited seal. The post shares a quote from Dr Murat Dökdök, where he thanked the team whose combined efforts made the accreditation possible.

Articles and Interviews

Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (CIRSE Journal)

Volume 44, pages 21–35, (2021)

The Standards of Quality Assurance in IO were mentioned in the newly published study by Helmberger et al. (2020):

“While it was outside of the scope of the study to improve the necessary infrastructure for interventional radiology to follow up on their patients, this study provides an opportunity to reflect on the necessity for interventional radiologists to initiate follow-up standards and order relevant imaging after TARE. The CIRSE initiative Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology is an initiative to improve quality assurance in interventional oncology, amongst which post-intervention follow-ups and imaging are one of the quality standards.”

Articles and Interviews

Congratulations to the second IASIOS Accredited Centre!

Strasbourg University Hospitals – HUS, FR


The International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services (IASIOS) is proud to announce that the Strasbourg University Hospitals has been awarded the status of an IASIOS Accredited Centre!

Read the statement on their website here.

English Translation

The Interventional Radiology Unit of the Strasbourg University Hospitals (HUS) has just obtained the seal of IASIOS (International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services) Accredited Centre.

This is the first time this seal of quality assurance in interventional oncology has been granted to an interventional unit in France. The IASIOS label is delivered by an international expert body in interventional radiology. The Strasbourg University Hospital is the second centre worldwide to be rewarded with this accreditation, after the “Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital, NHS Trust” in London (UK).

Prof. Gangi’s team is proud of this recognition, which rewards a dynamic quality management system that has been in place in this service for several years. All professionals work at the service of patients on a daily basis to guarantee the provision of services that meet the 13 chapters of the standard (52 items) and have reached the quality requirements.

Original Version (French)

L’unité d’Imagerie interventionnelle des HUS vient d’obtenir le label d’accréditation IASIOS (International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services).

C’est la première fois que ce label d’assurance qualité en oncologie interventionnelle est attribué à une unité interventionnelle en France. Le label IASIOS est délivré par un organisme d’experts internationaux en imagerie interventionnelle. Les HUS sont le deuxième centre au monde, à être récompensé par cette accréditation, après le « Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital, NHS Trust » de Londres (Royaume-Uni).

L’équipe du Professeur Gangi est fière de cette reconnaissance, qui récompense une dynamique de management de la qualité en place depuis de nombreuses années au sein du service. L’ensemble des professionnels œuvre au quotidien au service des patients, afin de garantir des prestations répondant aux 13 chapitres de la norme (52 items), et pour lesquels les niveaux d’exigence ont été atteints.

Articles and Interviews

IASIOS brings IO into the mainstream

Interventional News, Issue 77

The IASIOS is proud to present a two-page article published in the 77th issue of Interventional News that includes interviews with two members of the IASIOS Steering Board, Professors Andy Adam and Liz Kenny, as well as the Head of Certification and Accreditation at CIRSE, Maria Weren.

Articles and Interviews

The first IASIOS Accredited Centre

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, UK

The International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services (IASIOS) is proud to announce that Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded the status of an IASIOS Accredited Centre!

Ms. Nicole Silva, the Senior Project & Quality Officer in the Directorate of Clinical Imaging and Medical Physics at Guy’s and St Thomas’s, served as the authorised representative for the IO service at the centre. Dr Shahzad Ilyas, consultant in Interventional Radiology (IR), and Ms Alison Pollard, Head of Nursing, provided guidance and led improvements in clinical practice. The work of this team was instrumental in completing the IASIOS application process. Ms. Silva, on behalf of the hospital, said:

“The interventional oncology (IO) team at Guy’s and St Thomas’ is delighted to receive this recognition of our work in cancer care. Completing the IASIOS application process was a challenging experience, but the IASIOS Office was on hand to support our team and answer our questions. Ultimately, applying for IASIOS has led to the advancement of our IO facility by helping us to analyse our service line and to determine how to improve our delivery of high-quality IO care.”

Interventional Oncology (IO)

IO is a subspecialty field of IR that has expanded significantly over the past few decades and now plays an increasingly important role in the clinical management of cancer patients. IO offers minimally invasive local tumour treatments that are safe and effective.

The International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services (IASIOS)

IASIOS offers facilities the unique opportunity to achieve a seal of quality and recognition for their IO services, delivered in keeping with the CIRSE Standards of Quality Assurance in IO. These standards focus on providing a high level of patient care, establishing good practice with quantifiable benchmarks, and raising the profile of the minimally invasive treatment options offered by interventional oncologists. The Standards document has been very well received and is supported by 25 national IR and radiology societies from around the world.

In addition to certifying established centres such as Guy’s and St Thomas’, IASIOS is designed to help develop oncology facilities to plan and improve their services in a way that ultimately benefits the patient. Centres that are enrolled in the IASIOS system can utilise the support provided by the IASIOS office and optional consultancy while they are improving their IO service lines and preparing their IASIOS application.

Looking forward…

IASIOS is currently running a pilot phase with ten centres around the world, with several more preparing to join the pilot project later this year. General launch of IASIOS is planned for 2021.

If you are interested in finding out more about the IASIOS accreditation system check out or email the IASIOS accreditation team at [email protected]