I-MED, The Wesley Hospital
“The Wesley Hospital is proud to have been the first centre in the Southern Hemisphere to achieve IASIOS accreditation. Thousands of interventional oncology procedures, both minor and major, are performed by the team at The Wesley Hospital each year. The IASIOS brand affirms the high-quality service that the team provide to both patients and referrers, and we look forward to continuing to find new ways to promote the highest standards of patient care”
Dr. Nicholas Brown and Team.
Kantonspital Winterthur
“IASIOS has assisted our facility in adhering to the golden standards of patient care and provision. As the first internationally accredited IO facility in Switzerland, Kantonsspital Winterthur is at the forefront of this evolving discipline”
Prof. Christoph Binkert and Team.
Leiden University Medical Centre
“It is with great honour that we have received the IASIOS accreditation. The IASIOS team has been tremendously helpful in guiding us through the process. It has been a great learning process as the accreditation process gave us insight in those things that are well organized in our centre as well as the areas that need improvement. The IASIOS helps centres to go from good to excellent!”
Dr. Mark Burgmans and Team.
University of Pisa
“We at Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, University of Pisa, are extremely honoured and proud to be the first centre in Italy accredited for the Interventional Oncology service. We strongly believe in quality in patient care and pursuing the accreditation was of help in identifying where we had to improve and what we had already succeeded in. We found an incredible support in the hospital administration and in all the departments we work with for the treatment of oncology patients. Collaboration is really the basis for reaching this important goal. We are now aware our IO service is of high quality and meets rigorous international standards, and we are trying to understand where and how we can further improve. Quality for patient care is never enough.”
Dr. Roberto Cioni, Dr. Federica Del Cima, Dr. Laura Crocetti and Team.
Singapore General Hospital
“The Interventional Radiology Center at Singapore General Hospital (SGH) is deeply honoured to receive IASIOS accreditation, which distinguishes our Interventional Oncology (IO) Services to be among the best in the world. This is a significant milestone for SGH and has further enhanced SGH’s strong reputation of providing high-quality clinical care. IASIOS accreditation is a strong endorsement and recognition that our IO services is of high quality and meet rigorous international standards. This will be very reassuring to both our patients and referring clinicians. Going through the IASIOS certification process has been an humbling experience and has inspired us to further strengthened our processes to provide safe and efficacious care that is of high value and quality, not just for IO but also all other IR services.”
Prof. Kiang Hiong Tay and Team.
SLK-Kliniken Heilbronn
“We at SLK-Kliniken in Heilbronn, Germany are proud to be the first center in Germany to be certified by IASIOS. The certification process took some effort but the IASIOS team never hesitated to help us with any questions or problems we had. During the certification process we were able to further improve our already well-established IO workflows and make sure they are in line with the most recent national and international standards. With the help of IASIOS we are now able to coordinate and monitor our IO services even better to make sure every patient receives the best possible treatment and reaches the best individual clinical outcome.”
Gregor Gelbricht, Lisa Reese, Christian Mayer, Ernst Hohenstein, Sina Speck, Tomislav Stavrovski, Gabriele Löchner, Gunther Lemm, Philippe Pereira
Anadolu Medical Center
“We at Anadolu Medical Center are proud and delighted to be awarded the seal of IASIOS in interventional oncology in return for our efforts. The process has improved our services in IO and has led us to build sustainable best-medicine practice in this field with the great help of IASIOS office. Thanks to IASIOS, we could move one step further while aiming for higher standards. Now, we all feel motivated to improve quality and safety standards in interventional oncology at Anadolu Medical Center, as one of the first accredited facilities in the world.”
Ozgur Celik, Murat Dokdok & Oktay Karadeniz
Institut Bergonie
“We at the Institute Bergonié are very happy and proud to have been accredited by IASIOS and also to be among the first IO facilities accredited; that is an acknowledgement of the constant work and effort of the facility in collaboration with the quality department of our institution. The application has allowed us to improve the quality of our daily care, and we are very enthusiastic about preparing for the second step with the hope of becoming a centre of excellence within the next few years. Thank you to IASIOS for promoting IO through a standardisation of our practice.”
S Enfedaque F Boyer (Quality control department), F Gouze, F Lagurgue, X Buy, V Catena, J Palussière (IR department)
University Hospital of Strasbourg
“We at the University Hospital of Strasbourg are thrilled to be the first centre in France to be awarded this internationally renowned quality assurance seal in interventional oncology, as well as being the second centre in the world to be certified! In the IR department, we are all highly committed to providing each patient with a high-standard clinical service. With IASIOS’s focus on traceability, the Strasbourg team has increased the monitoring of several different clinical practices with the intent of improving the quality and safety of the provided clinical services. Our team is very proud of this recognition, which rewards many years of hard work spent monitoring the quality of their clinical services.”
Prof. Afshin Gangi, Cathy Kuber, Bernard Kopp, Dr. Julien Garnon, Dr. Julia Weiss, Dr. Roberto Cazzato, Dr. Jean Caudrelier, Celine Henninger and Team.
Guy’s and St. Thomas’s
“We at Guy’s and St. Thomas’s are delighted to be among the first IO facilities to apply for this important and worthwhile accreditation! Completing the IASIOS application process was a challenging experience but the IASIOS office was on hand to support our team and clarify any questions that arose. Ultimately, applying for IASIOS has led to the advancement of our IO facility by helping us analyse our service line and determine how to improve our delivery of high-quality IO care in accordance with the Standards of Quality Assurance document.”
Shahzad Ilyas, Nicole Silva & Alison Pollard