International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
ResourcesResources for Funding

Resources for Funding

Sometimes getting funding to begin a new project can be challenging. The IASIOS team has created several resources to help you get started and is always on hand if you need more personalised assistance!

IASIOS – How to write a business case proposal

IASIOS – How to get funding infographic

Write a Business Proposal for IASIOS Accreditation

Infographic - How to get funding

  • 5 Essentials
    5 Essentials
  • Information to Provide
    Information to Provide
  • Key Individuals to Engage
    Key Individuals to Engage
  • Formats to Use
    Formats to Use
  • Channels to Approach
    Channels to Approach
  • Key Individuals to Engage
    Key Individuals to Engage

Explore examples and suggestions on how to build your business case and financial analysis: