International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
ResourcesMarketing Materials

Marketing Materials

IASIOS is committed to promoting interventional oncology, raising awareness, and supporting our community’s visibility. We have developed an exclusively tailored marketing manual made available to all participating facilities; this resource guides you on how to use all of the IASIOS marketing materials to increase visibility and communicate your commitment to the standards of quality assurance. The marketing manual includes guidance for:

  • Press Releases
  • Social Media post
  • Using the IASIOS banners, signatures
  • Promotional Videos

Promoting collaborations with IASIOS:

Contact the IASIOS team to get a personalized banner to promote your participation or collaboration with IASIOS.

  • Display the banner on your website
  • Add the banner to outgoing communication
  • Use the banner for social media posts

Here are a few ways you can use IASIOS materials:

Displaying your seals:


Add your IASIOS seals to your department website, or create a section on your website to display your accreditation.

Email Signatures 

Incorporate a digital seal into your staff’s email signature to consistently promote your commitment to providing the best patient care.

Printed Materials 

By integrating the IASIOS seal across a range of printed materials, you can enhance visibility and effectively communicate your commitment to excellence for patients and staff, this can extend to:

  • Department documents and files
  • Patient information and forms
  • Educational materials and presentations
  • Posters and banners

Displaying your certificate:

Printed Certificate 

IASIOS Accredited and IASIOS Centre of Excellence certificates are delivered upon accreditation; display your framed certificate in a highly regarded area, such as the patient waiting room, department reception, or main lobby.

Digital Certificate 

Showcase your digital certificate on your website, in your email signature, or on digital signage.

Promoting your Scientific Sessions:

We encourage facilities and individual members from IASIOS member facilities to share their upcoming presentations and scientific sessions; we are proud to promote the contributions the IASIOS community makes to the development of interventional oncology.

Promote your articles and publications:

We actively promote the work of IASIOS members, shining a light on their contributions and increasing their visibility and impact.

Social media 

Follow us on all of our platforms and stay up to date with the announcements, articles, spotlight and more

Linkedin | Twitter | Facebook 


Visit a curated page of articles and interviews from the IASIOS community here.