International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
IASIOS x ESIR : The Modern Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (MDTB) Course

IASIOS x ESIR : The Modern Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (MDTB) Course

IASIOS is pleased to announce our partnership with the European School of Interventional Radiology (ESIR) on “The Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (MDTB)”, a course intended to equip IRs with the skills necessary to navigate multidisciplinary discussions, as well as strengthen their role in patient management.

Participation in MDTBs is a core criteria for IASIOS accreditation, according to the CIRSE Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology, ensuring that interventional radiologists and oncologists feel confident to contribute and communicate effectively at their tumour board meetings.

All IASIOS facilities are highly encouraged to attend, especially those currently in the process of applying for accreditation.

To facilitate this, the first five teams from IASIOS centres to sign up for the course will receive their registration for free in addition to a €1000 travel grant IASIOS will provide to all of their centres.

Please see the registration details for further information!

The Modern Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (MDTB)
Turin/IT, September 25-26, 2025

Preliminary Programme | Local hosts | Faculty | Venue | Registration 

Multidisciplinary tumour boards (MDTBs) are essential for collaborative decision-making, bringing together specialists to determine the best treatment strategies. As interventional radiologists (IRs) take on an increasingly active role in these discussions, their ability to effectively present scientific evidence on local-regional therapies and advocate for their inclusion in treatment plans is becoming more critical. While IRs excel in technical expertise, many have limited formal training in communication and leadership within the MDTB setting.

This specialised course hosted jointly by ESIR and IASIOS offers a unique combination of scientific updates and hands-on communication training, equipping IRs with both the latest evidence on local-regional therapies and the skills to engage confidently in MDTB discussions. The programme is structured over two focused days.

On Day 1, participants will review the latest clinical evidence on primary liver, kidney, and colorectal liver cancers. Case-based discussions with multidisciplinary experts will provide valuable insights into how IR treatments are evaluated within MDTBs.

On Day 2, the focus shifts to practical communication and leadership skills. Participants will engage in interactive exercises on conflict resolution, stakeholder analysis, and team dynamics, designed to reinforce essential soft skills through real-world scenarios. The day concludes with a debrief session, ensuring that participants leave with concrete strategies to enhance their engagement and leadership within MDTBs.

This course provides a unique opportunity to refine both clinical and communication expertise, enabling IRs to take a more active role in MDTB discussions and contribute to better patient outcomes. Availability is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.

Who should attend?

This course is open to interventional radiologists who have completed their radiology training, together with a multidisciplinary colleague. Participation from an IR in MDTBs is a key component of the CIRSE Standards of Quality Assurance in Interventional Oncology and a core criteria for IASIOS Accreditation. Teams from IASIOS facilities are particularly encouraged to attend this course to strengthen IR engagement and communication skills within MDTB discussions and will receive financial support from IASIOS.

Preliminary Programme
Thursday, September 25, 2025

08:30-09:15 Registration

09:15-09:30 Welcome and Course Introduction

09:30-10:45 The MDTB Arena

IR and MDTB: what guidelines say

IR and MDTB: the oncologist’s perspective

IR and MDTB: the surgeon’s perspective

IR and MDTB: the radiation oncologist’s perspective

The other locoregional treatments, surgery and radiation oncology: “Collabotition” collaboration when you can, competition when you must

10:45-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:20 HCC MDTB

CLINICAL CASE I: how I discussed that complex clinical case

CLINICAL CASE II: how I discussed that complex clinical case

CLINICAL CASE III: how I discussed that complex clinical case

Take home papers: five articles you must know for the MDTB arena

12:20-13:20 Lunch

13:20-14:40 Kidney

CLINICAL CASE I: how I discussed that complex clinical case

CLINICAL CASE II: how I discussed that complex clinical case

CLINICAL CASE III: how I discussed that complex clinical case

Take home papers: five articles you must know for the MDTB arena

14:40-15:00 Coffee Break

15:00-16:20 Colorectal Liver and Lung Metastases

CLINICAL CASE I: how I discussed that complex clinical case

CLINICAL CASE II: how I discussed that complex clinical case

CLINICAL CASE III: how I discussed that complex clinical case

Take home papers: five articles you must know for the MDTB arena

16:20-16:40 The Anaesthesiologist’s Perspective: Before, During and After the MDTB

Friday, September 26, 2025

09:00-10:00         Communication – conflict, crises, ethical dilemmas

10:00-10:40         Simulation I – conflict, crises, ethical dilemmas

Case scenario 1: HCC MDTB

Case scenario 2: Kidney MDTB

Case scenario 3: Colorectal MDTB

10:40-11:00         COFFEE BREAK                                 

11:00-11:40         Simulation I – conflict, crises, ethical dilemmas (continued)

Case scenario 1: HCC MDTB

Case scenario 2: Kidney MDTB

Case scenario 3: Colorectal MDTB

11:40-12:30         Simulation De-brief

12:30-13:30         LUNCH

13:30-14:50         Simulation II – conflict, crises, ethical dilemmas

Case scenario 1: HCC MDTB

Case scenario 2: Kidney MDTB

Case scenario 3: Colorectal MDTB

14:50-15:20         Simulation summary

15:20-15:35         COFFEE BREAK                                 

15:35-16:05         Patient follow up, outcome measures

Patients follow up

Ongoing education for MDTB members

16:05-16:15         Final remarks, closing

Local hosts

Dr. Marco Calandri
Dr. Marco Calandri
IASIOS Council Member
(University of Turin, Italy)
Prof. Laura Crocetti
Prof. Laura Crocetti
IASIOS Committee Member
(Pisa, Italy)

Preliminary Faculty

1. A. Veltri (Orbassano/IT)
2. A. Volpe TBD
3. C. Vivaldi TBD
4. F. Ciferri (Turin/IT)
5. G. Masi (Pisa/IT)
6. I. Bargellini (Turin/IT)
7. L. Tselikas (Villejuif/FR)
8. M. di Maio TBD
9. M. Meijerink (Amsterdam/NL)
10. M.M.E. Fronda (Turin/IT)
11. P. Fonio (Novara/IT)
12. R. Bale TBD
13. R.L. Cazzato (Strasbourg/FR)
14. R. Iezzi (Rome/IT)
15. R. Romagnoli TBD
16. S. Perugia
17. U. Ricardi TBD
18. X. Buy (Bordeaux/FR)

*members of IASIOS facilities


University of Turin (IT)
Via Giuseppe Verdi 8
10124 Turin (IT), Italy

Registration TBD

Please note that this course is open only to teams consisting of one interventional radiologist and one multidisciplinary colleague.

Early Fee

(until May 1, 2025)

Late Fee

(as of May 2, 2025)

Course registration (CIRSE Member*) € 500 € 610
Course registration € 710 € 920
IASIOS Centre registration € 500

Travel grant available**

€ 610

Travel grant available**

These fees include

  • Course attendance of 1 interventional radiologist and 1 multidisciplinary colleague.
  • Teaching material for the course
  • Coffee breaks and lunch on both days

**IASIOS member facilities are eligible to receive up to € 1000 (€ 500 per person) of travel support once registered for the course. If your team is part of an IASIOS centre, please contact us at [email protected] for further details about your travel support.

Cancellation of course registration

The CIRSE Foundation offers all participants the possibility of purchasing insurance with our partner, “Europäische Reiseversicherung”. Thus, the CIRSE Foundation itself will not refund any amount after a cancellation of registration. All requests have to be issued to the “Europäische Reiseversicherung” directly. Refunds will be given within the terms and conditions of the “Europäische Reiseversicherung”. Name changes will be handled as a cancellation and new registration. Please note that CIRSE offers just a platform to effect a policy between you and “Europäische Reiseversicherung”.

Invoices will be issued by the CIRSE Foundation, Neutorgasse 9, 1010 Vienna, Austria.

CIRSE Foundation

Neutorgasse 9

Phone: 0043 1 904 2003

Fax: 0043 1 904 2003 30

Email: [email protected]

1010 Vienna
