International Accreditation System for Interventional Oncology Services
Articles and InterviewsArticles and InterviewsCVIR Volume 45, pages 1763–1764, (2022)

Accreditation in Interventional Radiology: Why it Matters and Why we Sought IASIOS Certification

(CVIR 2022) Sonam Taschi, Sivanathan Chandramohan, Andreas Adam & Bien Soo Tan.

Read the editorial about why the Singapore General Hospital became one of the first hospitals in the world to become IASIOS Accredited.

“Although IASIOS focuses on IO at Singapore General Hospital (SGH), it is regarded as a framework that can be adapted and expanded to the rest of the IR service. Throughout the process of IASIOS certification, whenever areas, where the IO service could be improved, were identified, the necessary changes were applied to the rest of the IR service. Thus, the accreditation journey enabled a process of improvement across the whole of IR”